Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November is Picture Book Month!

Join the celebration and party with a picture book!

I love November because it's Picture Book Month, as well as PiBoIdMo (see post below). In this digital age where people are predicting the coming death of print books, picture books (the print kind) need love. And the world needs picture books. I need picture books. I SO love picture books! There’s nothing like the physical page turn of a beautifully crafted picture book and no digital device can replicate that experience!

Visit everyday in November for a new post from a picture book champion explaining why he/she thinks picture books are important. There's been some great posts so far. Come join the fun!

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

New Work for "Chocolate Chips and Rocket Ships" Book

I'm excited to have been asked to be part of an exciting project – a book called "Chocolate Chips and Rocket Ships"– a collection of 99 1/2 fun poems by John O'Marra. John has somehow wrangled 100 different artists to create illustrations to accompany his poems for this really fun book. Check out his site for some of the art and poems that will be part of the book. And be sure to watch the videos that star his adorable children!