Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Favorites

Things that made me smile this week.
  1. Having a very happy client! Before I helped her, she was stuck and couldn't move forward with her business because she didn't feel good with the logo and the look of the materials. I got her branding the way she liked it. I love that I helped her feel good about her business and got her excited about it again!

  2. This
    little diva dancer on Ellen. So cute!
  3. Frosty the Gourdman comic by Dani and Nicole Jones. I finally got around to reading this - it is so cute. Dani is one of my illustration heros - I'm SO not worthy!

  4. Beautiful weather! I love having the windows open and seeing all the trees changing colors.
  5. Skype. I know I'm a little behind but I just signed up with Skype and had a nice, FREE conversation with one of my clients who is in Canada (yeah, I'm international now-gotta love Twitter!!)
What made you smile this week?

1 comment:

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Lynn,
This is FABULOUS!!! I am loving this. You have been busy and that is a good thing. The Flash Mob was great too. Hope that all is well with you beautiful. Take care.